夏天是一个尽情享受和吸收维生素D的季节, 特别是考虑到过去几年发生的一切, 你如何决定什么对你的孩子和你的家庭是有意义的? 夏令营, 寄宿学校提供的延长学年计划, 完全休息——有这么多的选择要考虑, 为你的家庭选择合适的产品可能会让人有点不知所措.


Students with special education needs are entitled to 延长学年 programming if they are determined to be eligible. There are several factors that guide this eligibility, and more information can be found on the PA教育部网站. 

此外,Pa. 培训和技术援助网络有 特殊教育局制定的文件 它提供了更多的细节,包括资格清单和Q&一个部分.


So, 一旦确定了ESY资格, the next step is to consider the options that best provide the Free Appropriate Public Education to your child. This could be done within programs offered at the resident school or it could be those provided by another organization/agency – such as Approved Private Schools or Private Schools. 当你考虑你的选择时, some of the below may be helpful to think about/gain additional information so you can select the option that will have the most impact on your student.


  • 课程有几周?
    A program that is too short or too long, could interfere with a successful summer. 衔接学校’s 6-week program has been successful in providing the time needed to keep academic, 社会/情感, and behavioral skills fresh while still allowing some time off that kids want and deserve.
  • 开始和结束的日期是什么, and how do they align with a desire to balance good programming with some much deserved/needed time off to be ready for the start of a new school year?
    一些ESY课程几乎在学年结束后立即开始, which doesn’t allow kids time to decompress from the rigor they have been under for the last 10 months. Pathway School ESY课程在7月4日假期后开始, 在学年结束时给予两周的假期, 在新学年开始前还有几周的时间, 这样孩子们就可以和家人一起享受夏天了!
  • 每周提供多少天的编程? 如果节目不是每天都提供, do you need to consider alternate options that align with potential parent work schedules?
    衔接学校 offers programming to students every weekday for the entire 6-week program.
  • 课程的上课时间是多少?是全天还是半天. 如果半天休假, do you need to consider alternate options that align with potential parent work schedules?
    虽然兼职课程可以让学生有一些额外的暑期娱乐时间, 在某些情况下, this is at the expense of some quality support in 社会/情感 and behavioral skill maintenance – which is also vital for students to be able to access their education. 衔接学校 offers a full-day (9:00 am – 3:00 pm) program to support students in multiple skill-building areas on a consistent basis.
  • 如何处理和实现延长学年的目标?
    It is important that the IEP team determine which goals will continue to be addressed during ESY. 父母 will want to provide input on what they would like to see occur and work collaboratively with the team to be sure a responsible, 达成平衡的决定.
  • Will the program provide academic as well as 社会/情感 and behavioral skill-building that is needed, 还是专注于学术技能?
    A program solely focused on reading and math could leave some holes in what is needed. 衔接学校 provides 社会/情感 instruction in both structured format and through in-the-moment learning to support acquisition of skills.
  • How will the program provide the opportunity for your child to generalize the skills being taught?
    结构化的课程对教授一项技能是无价的, but just as important is the opportunity to see how students apply this to their life. 通过让学生有机会练习学术, 社会/情感, 以及在高兴趣活动中的行为技巧, 衔接学校 team is able to see when skills are being applied and when further instruction may be necessary.
  • 提供服务的专业人员的技术水平如何? 他们有特殊的教育培训/背景吗? Do they understand the diagnosis and have the skills to capitalize on the strengths and support the needs of your child?
    Many 延长学年 programs have professionals with a high skill set in these areas. 如果你正在考虑一个夏令营的选择,而不是一个简单的项目, I encourage you to find out more about the staff who will be directly supporting your child to be sure they understand the nuances of special education and will be able to provide the support and compassion your child needs. 衔接学校’s ESY staff do have the requisite skills to support your child’s strengths and needs.
  • 如何将乐趣融入到一天中? 毕竟,现在是夏天,夏天意味着乐趣!
    Fun is vital to help students recover from a rigor of a strenuous school year and be emotionally ready to walk into a new school year in the fall. 衔接学校 has found a way to balance the skill maintenance activities with engaging and exciting opportunities for kids to be involved in areas of interest including outdoor activities such as hiking, 烹饪, 创造性的艺术, including sewing and drama; these and many more opportunities add to the daily fun.
  • 这个项目的费用是多少?
    你当然希望你的孩子拥有最好的, 你做, but the reality is that financial responsibility does play a role in decision-making in most cases. 适用于符合延长学年资格的学生, the school that is educationally responsible will pay costs for an approved 延长学年 programming.
  • 有交通工具吗??
    The best program can only be available if you can get there – so distance and transportation information is also a factor to consider. 像成本, 适用于符合修读延长学年资格的学生, the educationally responsible school is also responsible to provide transportation to and from the approved 延长学年 location.

为你的孩子选择一个夏季选择既令人兴奋又令人筋疲力尽. If you are not sure how to get started or would like more information about how Pathway can support your child, 我们很高兴能和你谈谈.

韦德足球官网专门的韦德足球官网专业人员之一 610-277-0660,选择选项5 联系韦德足球官网部门或发邮件给我们 enrollment@nightowlprod.net.

Visit our website for more information about ESY, our school year services, and much more: